How Do You Teach Your Child Good Hygiene?

how-do-you-teach-your-child-good-hygieneLet’s be honest: getting our kids to do what’s good for them is hard. As a provider of daycare Brooklyn, New York, we at Petits Poussins Brooklyn know some of the challenges of teaching your child the value of good hygiene habits.

There are many reasons why kids refuse to practice good hygiene. Sensitivity to odd smells, textures, or water is one thing. So are finicky attention spans and a developing desire to test their boundaries.

For all the difficulty it entails, it’s still important for kids to learn good hygiene as part of their skill set for physical, mental, and social wellness. Fortunately, we gladly offer some tips to encourage your child to take care of their hygiene better by tapping into our childcare expertise.

If your kid is being difficult when you try to get them to bathe, brush, or wash their hands, consider these tips:

  • Lay out the consequences of their refusal to practice good hygiene.

    Unlike what some believe, children do listen to your explanations of right and wrong so long as you scale them down to a level they can grasp. Tell them that not brushing their teeth can lead to cavities and bad breath or that refusing to bathe will make their skin itch. Keep the explanations clear and logical; scaremongering won’t do you favors.

  • Reward them for the times they cooperate.

    Give them a sticker or their favorite treat if they do follow instructions. Just remember that these are supposed to be rewards and not bribes. You should never have to beg for them to take a bath.

  • Use educational resources.

    Books or videos that show kids doing and enjoying good hygiene practices may be just what your child needs. There are tons of these available online.

Our preschool in Brooklyn is more than happy to talk about raising your kids better. Feel free to contact us today.

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