Building Your Child’s Confidence

building-your-childs-confidenceHaving strong self-confidence might just be the key to a successful life. With its importance engrained in everything we pursue, teaching this trait should be integrated into childcare practices.

As a preschool in Brooklyn, we would love nothing more than to see the kids under our care succeed in their pursuits. What are some ways to help kids build their self-confidence?

  • Appropriate Chores and Tasks
    Giving your kids adequate tasks will help strengthen their confidence. Getting these tasks will boost their trust in themselves. These tasks also help them explore their abilities and improve them in the process.
  • Positive Reinforcement
    Every parent and educator should also learn how to use positive reinforcement to their advantage. Acknowledging their efforts and giving them praise when they perform ideal behaviors will make them feel good. Of course, these praises will help them pick up these ideal behaviors.
  • Adequate Feedback
    While praise will make them feel good, doing it too much or inappropriately will give them a false sense of their abilities. This can hurt their confidence in the long run.

Give your kids constructive comments when performing tasks. Doing this gives them a realistic view of themselves and can give them the information they need to be better.

While this is great for their overall development, parents should also learn how to convey these criticisms gently.

Let us help you raise happy, confident children here at Petits Poussins Brooklyn. Our Daycare Brooklyn, New York, is ready to help your loved ones through every step of their development. Call us today!

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